RI District 5300 30th Annual Peace Conference
1ST Place and Peoples’ Choice
We Are, We Do, We Become
Haide Callejas
West Prep Academy, Las Vegas, NV
Rotary International District 5300 held its 30th Annual Peace Conference right here in Las Vegas on Saturday, January 18. Participants heard from a variety of incredible speakers and were able to take part in several breakout sessions on topics ranging from human trafficking, the global impact of peace and much more.
Art for Peace:
We are so proud of our very own Haide Callejas from West Prep Academy who won first place and People’s Choice for her beautiful artwork. In Art for Peace, students submit art pieces that promote peace. The pieces are displayed at the annual District 5300 Peace Conference, and the best in each category (middle school, high school, college) are awarded cash prizes.
Students choose their preferred medium: photography, oil, pastel, charcoal, graphite, pen and ink, watercolor, marker or mixed media.